The Benefits of Polycor’s Authorized Contractor Program
The Polycor Authorized Contractor program offers tools and resources geared to strengthen your business, give you a competitive advantage, and increase your profitability. All while providing you with access to Polycor’s iconic natural stone. And did we mention it’s free to join?
Curious what you’ll gain from joining Polycor’s authorized contractor program? Keep reading,and don’t miss us at Hardscape North America this October 19-21, 2022, in Louisville, KY.

Polycor views our team as a family — and that extends to our partnership with contractors. We believe you need a successful partnership to have a successful business. We value hard work, resourcefulness, resilience, and a friendly attitude, and reward contractors who show they do as well. Because we know when your business is strong, our business is too.

Marketing materials that hit the mark: This Authorized Contractor program is in place, fundamentally, to help you increase your sales, improve your customer satisfaction, and gain exposure to new customers. As a Polycor Authorized Contractor, you will receive qualified leads funneled through our team and our dealers. Our lead referral program won’t just provide leads, it increases your visibility and builds credibility at the same time. This is just one way you can benefit from the power of our global marketing program — without spending a dime.
Differentiate yourself as the best of the best: Vetted for quality, Polycor’s Authorized Contractor program accepts the top U.S. contractors. So, membership in the Authorized Contractor program means potential customers can rest assured that you will bring knowledge, experience, and expertise to their projects.
Plus, becoming a Polycor Authorized Contractor helps change the game for your value as a contractor. When you are accepted into the program, homeowners can easily see the value in the know-how you bring to the job — and stop focusing solely on price. Becoming a Polycor Authorized Contractor provides validation of the high quality of your work, helping you move the conversation from strictly numbers to the value of your expertise instead.
And only members of the Authorized Contractor program are eligible for our annual Master Craftsman Awards Program.

Upgrade your business toolbox: Every contractor does their best work when they have access to the best tools. Our business-boosting resources include on-site training and technical support, plus business strategy and profit-building workshops. We provide all the tools and resources you need to help serve your clients better.
We work closely with our Authorized Contractor program partners to build your success with free training, product updates, and marketing support to ensure you are fully equipped to provide the best service to your clients.

Natural stones from Polycor’s historic North American quarries are literally the stones that built the communities we know today. You can find Polycor stone just about everywhere — from national landmarks to hometown monuments, to backyards where we gather with friends and family. This is because our quarries are everywhere, too: from Indiana to Georgia, from New England to Oklahoma. And our stone is so prolific because of the high quality of the iconic granite, limestone, and marbles in our portfolio.

Unlike many other natural stone manufacturers, we own the supply chain from quarry to delivery. This means the shortest lead times, better quality control, and lasting results. And our products are built to last, so that the natural stone you install now will be enjoyed by generations to come.
Our historic quarries have built a reputation as the building stone for the most iconic projects for over a century. Those projects were installed by the greatest craftsman in the world, and Polycor would like to grow that story with this generation of great Hardscapes and Masonry contractors.