Building Strong Communities, One Stone at a Time
Natural stone is more than just the culmination of its physical characteristics. Each piece has a life and an energy and soul of its own. A gorgeous slab can spark conversations, memories, and emotions. Natural stone has been used to build some of the most historic buildings across North America —including the National Cathedral, the Empire State Building and the Biltmore Estate—landmarks that have stood the test of time in part because they are made of stone.
Stone from our historic North American quarries are truly some of the stones that built the United States. And our stone is used everywhere—from national landmarks to our hometown monuments, to our backyards where we gather with friends and family. This is because our quarries are everywhere, too: from Indiana to Georgia, from New England to Oklahoma. America was built with local, natural stone, and our communities continue to benefit from it today.
Construction of the Vanderbilt’s Biltmore mansion using Indiana Limestone
Beyond the fact that when you use Polycor you are getting such a high-quality stone, by buying one of our locally sourced natural stones you’re minimizing shipping and transportation, which saves fossil fuels and money in taxes and transportation costs while boosting the local economy and community.
Now more than ever, people have realized how important it is to support local businesses. Keeping jobs and money in your local community has far-reaching value. Plus, it takes a lot to manufacture a synthetic stone. The impact to the environment cannot be overstated. Manufactured stones don’t have the longevity of natural ones, and they require a lot more ingredients and energy to be made and in the end, they are not recyclable.

For millennia, natural stone has been used as the literal bedrock of construction projects around the world, and the future looks no different. The modern building industry is increasingly choosing natural materials for their projects, due to their proven, trusted results and minimal environmental impact. While our great legacy of stonework can be seen in our portfolio of historical landmarks, institutional, commercial and residential projects around North America, what we want people to understand is that all of this is possible through our local quarries and manufacturing plants.

The asset we’re the most proud of is our team of nearly 1,200 employees around the world. The people in the quarries, in the plants, they are invaluable. Our plants are a vital part of the community wherever we operate: that’s why sustainable development ─ economic, social and environmental ─ is so important to us. As the world’s largest natural stone quarrier, we’re committed to being an industry pioneer in every way, including being leaders in developing and implementing a socially responsible workplace.

Each stone is handled by one of our employees working under fair and safe conditions. Our slabs are a culmination of their quarry origins and the hands and hard work of the people who made them. Our solid commitment to our people and the communities where we work ensures sustainability on the local level. Read more about Polycor’s fair labor practices here.
Natural stone is the organic food of building materials. We are heavily focused on sustainable development and the environment, and ensuring that our natural stone deposits are mindfully managed with minimal intrusion. It’s not only good for people and the planet, but it means we can deliver the most comprehensive offering of natural stone building products for the hardscapes and masonry industry for generations to come. You can learn more about our natural stone hardscaping products here.
Some of our diverse offerings of North American stone include:

Indiana Limestone
Bloomington, and Bedford, Indiana, U.S.A.
America’s most iconic building stone.
One of America’s most recognized buildings – the Empire State Building— is built of Indiana limestone.

Georgia Marble
Tate, Georgia, U.S.A.
The marble that built the historical masterpieces of American architecture.
The marble used for the sculpture of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial comes from our legendary quarry in Tate.

Vermont Granite
The Granite Capital of the United States.
The exterior of Washington D.C.’s Union Station features BETHEL WHITE© granite, which can only be found in our Vermont quarry.
About Polycor
We carry the widest range of iconic natural stones—granite, marble, limestone and soapstone—they all come from Polycor quarries. And our long-established distribution channels assure that lead times and product availability won’t be disrupted.
Our world-class reputation comes from this dependability and our great legacy of stonework on historical landmarks, institutional, commercial, and residential projects. We’re proud of our past and are continuing to set the innovative benchmark in the natural stone industry. We ally creative thinking with ongoing research and development to initiate advanced practices, develop original products, and breathe new life into natural stone. Our stone roots, in communities throughout North America and Europe, are what give us the strength to do amazing things today and will continue to motivate us for years to come.